
Web 2.0 Technology & Information Portals

This was the introductory module to this course:  learn about web 2.0 technology and using that technology, build an information portal.  Web 2.0 technology is such a simple concept, yet at the time was so difficult to wrap my head around.  This technology brings the internet to life, creating a three-dimensional aspect to the web.  It is all about creating content, sharing, collaborating, and consuming the available information on the web. 

After being introduced to web 2.0 technologies, the application was to create an information portal.  I used NetVibes for my portal and designed it with three pages for the purposes of organization and clarity.  Overall, I was pleased with the ease of use and the variety of designs available.  Retrospectively, I believe I would change my design to be one page to make it more like a "classroom home page," rather than mimicking a website, with multiple pages. 

I can visualize incorporating an information portal into my classroom website as a resource page or to use as my own home page.  It would be fantastic to see an information portal used for a school's homepage as a means of sharing, communicating, and collaborating.

Click here or on the screen shot below to go to my information portal and review the pages I created and my fun student and teacher resources.

Web 2.0 Collage was designed by AJ Batac (