
Digital Storytelling:  Movies for the Classroom

This was my favorite project in this class.  The aim of this module was to explore the many possibilities multimedia can provide for students by creating a short desktop movie using Movie Maker and then uploading it to YouTube.  Mission accomplished!  This is an excellent way to deliver flat content that may need spice.  Additionally, involving children in movie making would be such an exciting, powerful, hands-on method of showcasing their talents; the potential for learning would be limitless!

I will definitely be implementing digital storytelling into my curriculum.  I will strive to make this an annual project for my students:  to create their own movie.  I can visualize an end of the year project in which each student produces their own movie, or collaborates with other students by contributing a few slides to make a major class movie.  I can even picture making my own movies:  to introduce students to my class, or to celebrate student accomplishments with a compilation at the end of the year.

What I love most about digital storytelling is that this media reaches right out to students and grabs their attention; whether students are the ones watching or the ones creating.

Click on the arrow below or click here to go to YouTube to watch the results of my favorite project in this class!